Snapshot Sunday: week 43
A short *week* since my last installment was just last Thursday. And surprisingly, no sign of Indio.

The marvel and mayhem of life in the preschool lane
A short *week* since my last installment was just last Thursday. And surprisingly, no sign of Indio.
I'm sitting on Paula's couch alone, catching up on my blog reading, with the lo hum of Indio and his two little friends playing in the background. This newfound independence is fantastic...mine and his!
Read more...[dollar store treasures that complement the current firetruck/garbage truck obsession...just hope they don't contain BPA or whatever other chemicals I should be scared of.]
Paula and I have already set our next mall date, but this time Indio already has other plans! Read more...Indy and I spent lots of time at my elementary school playground this week because we were staying at my parents' place [E is away...again!] and I was in awe of the amazing colours in the grove of trees behind the archaic slide and swingset. We jumped in piles of leaves, tried to eat berries [Indy tried, I freaked out and quickly slapped them out of this hand...I know, way to make him want to eat them more!], and of course climbed up the ladder to go down the slide which is at least 25 years old!
I played with the macro setting on my camera and loved how the depth of field looked in some of the photos, especially the *sparkly* white dots in photos #2 and #4. I also used Picnik to edit the photos, basically just playing around with their *Lomo-ish* action. It's so easy and fun!
Hope you're all having a grand weekend and spending some time outside while the weather is still nice [for those of us in temperate climate zones...for those of you in warm climates, I'm very jealous.]
Read more...It's a well known fact that I don't love cooking because I can't just *whip* stuff up like most of the *chefs* in my family, and am a bit self-conscious of this. I'm becoming more comfortable in the kitchen and have recently broadened my scope beyond eggs and pancakes. E is my usual guinea pig, but Saturday night we had my parents and brother over to test out my emerging skills.
Eleven weeks of 2010 left? Is that possible? 80% of the year has gone by already? January seems so far away, yet it's just around the corner. Woah.
Inspired by Amanda Soule - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Driving by a Starbucks, my not-yet-2-year-old exclaims, "Mommy! Coffee!" as he points to the familiar green logo.
How does he know???
Forget Snapshot Sunday for a minute, or even Foto Friday, it's Technicolour Tuesday and therefore, I'm not late!
On Friday, we decided to take an impromptu *Family Fieldtrip* to the African Lion Safari, just outside of Toronto. It was a bright and sunny day, perfect for mingling with the animals. We drove through 9km of game reserves that included animals from Africa, Asia and the Americas, but disappointingly, no elephants! Apparently, the only way to see the pachyderms is to watch their show, *Elephant Roundup.* After the hour-long tour, we didn't have the energy to stick around for it. Maybe next time.
Of course, I took a million photos. Here's a sample of a few of my favourites:
For someone who doesn't always eat breakfast, I'm a huge fan of oatmeal, usually the instant variety, because of its ease, taste and that it's good for me! I still miss the daily breakfast ritual of preparing 1-minute oats with raisins and bananas for myself and my old co-teacher.
Lately, I've grown to appreciate slow-cooked, steel cut oats. Their nutty, creamy flavour surpasses instant oatmeal every time. If you're in a hurry, make them ahead of time and refrigerate individual portions in airtight containers until you're ready to heat and eat. [I add a bit of milk before reheating in the microwave.]
Tonight, E and I weren't that hungry so we had *breakfast for dinner.* I found this recipe from Alton Brown via the Food Network and decided to give it a try since I just happened to have buttermilk in the fridge. I added raisins, though you could add almost any fruit.
It was a deliciously satisfying meal and I can't wait to eat the leftovers in the morning!
So, along with being perpetually behind on my Project 365 photos, I realized I am also behind on my What I Loved... series. Here are some of the things that have kept me sane during August and September.
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