Friday, May 14, 2010

Foto Friday: week 19

E is away this week and has my little point and shoot camera so I had to make a conscious effort to use the dSLR or get stuck with crappy phone pics. It was more difficult than I thought trying to remember to take a photo each day. Seeing as it was just Indy and I all week, there are a lot of photos of my little man.

I hope you all had a great week!

[day 127: Indy's new love of independence.]

[day 128: The crazy wind before the storm hit.]

[day 129: Trying to decide what to order at Mother's Day dinner.]

[day 130: Monkeying around for the paparazzi.]

[day 131: My sick baby vegging out watching old school Bollywood movies.]

[day 132: The one thing I get up for in the morning...ok, so he doesn't give me much choice!]

[day 133: A horrible photo in terms of quality, but a neat scene nonetheless: old fire hydrants all lined up in an empty lot. Cassius would have a field day in there!]


Rhianne May 14, 2010 at 6:33 AM  

oh my, isn't he the cutest thing!

I am delighted to tell you that you have won the cute.n.boot polaroid booklets in my polaroid giveaway. If you could email me you address my email is:

Faiza May 15, 2010 at 9:45 AM  

pics of indio make me so happy!!!
love those fire hydrants too.

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